Why i-Taiwan Window
En route to our diplomatic allies, Paraguay and Belize, President Tsai Ing-wen and the delegation made a transit stop in Los Angeles on August 12, 2018. Later that afternoon, President Tsai paid a visit to the Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles. At the time, the president met local young overseas compatriots and had discussions with them. With regard to how to attract young overseas compatriots to return to work and invest in Taiwan, President Tsai responded that she would instruct Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) to set up a liaison window of integrating information, resources, and opportunities, provided for overseas compatriots. OCAC currently has arranged the “i-Taiwan Window” in its 16 overseas culture centers to enhance its service of consulting for overseas compatriots. To boost Taiwan’s industrial developments, Taiwan is in need of your contribution and dedication of our outstanding overseas compatriots. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact your local cultural center of OCAC.
The i-Taiwan Window:https://i.Taiwan-World.Net Welcome to share
總統107年訪問友邦巴拉圭及貝里斯後, 在8月12日過境美國洛杉磯,並於當天下午巡視洛杉磯僑教中心與臺僑第二代年輕人座談。針對如何吸引青年回臺工作及投資之議題,總統指示由僑務委員會來擔任窗口整合資訊、資源及機會以提供海外僑胞諮詢,爰僑務委員會業在全球16處僑教中心設立i臺灣窗口以強化對於僑青的諮詢服務功能。由於臺灣的產業發展需要更多海外優秀人才投入,歡迎僑胞們就近洽詢各地僑教中心以獲取更進一步資訊。
服務內容說明 / An Introduction to Service
The i-Taiwan Window website is an online platform of the Overseas Community Affairs Council, which is meant to offer overseas compatriots who want to seek opportunities in Taiwan, congenial services and integral information. There are four main categories in the website, including Investment in Taiwan, Jobs in Taiwan, Education in Taiwan, and Living in Taiwan, which provides comprehensive coverage of links on collecting information by integrating multi-agency online resources of the ROC (Taiwan) government. The website is categorized by the following:
Contact Us
The i-Taiwan Window website is a platform of the Overseas Community Affairs Council, which is meant to offer overseas compatriots who want to seek opportunities in Taiwan, congenial services and integral information. You can write us an e-mail and furnish us with your name, e-mail address for more information. We will send a serial number to you and forward your message to the competent authorities as quickly as possible. We will provide a response to your email within six days. If the complexity of the matter requires a longer response time, we will first notify you by email. In this case, please wait patiently for our reply. Your personal information will not be used for other purposes except for responding to your case. The name, telephone number and other individual's information will be deleted once you receive our final response. Please keep your email address and serial number to check the process of your case.