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Permanent Residence Systems of Different Countries

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1. Countries with Permanent Residence Systems




Singapore, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand
West Asia Russia, Israel


Burkina Faso, Sao Tome and Principe, South Africa, Mauritius, Senegal
Central/South America Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, St. Lucia, Barbados, Dominica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Panama, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Grenada, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Mexico, Dominican, Haiti
North America USA., Canada
Europe Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Cyprus, Czech, Slovakia, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, UK, Ireland, France, Island

Note: Article 4 Section 1 Item 1 of Overseas Compatriot Identity Certification Act is applicable.

2. Countries that are difficult for foreigners to obtain Permanent Residence  




Bangladesh, India, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Turkey, Timor-Leste, Mongolia
Africa Malawi, Uganda
Europe Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Spain

Note: Article 4 Section 1 Item 2 of Overseas Compatriot Identity Certification Act is applicable.

3. Countries without Permanent Residence Systems  




Fiji, Palau, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Nauru, Kiribati, Tuvalu
West Asia Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Pakistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Qatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates
Central/South America Venezuela
Europe Belgium
Africa Djibouti, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Togo, Benin, Chad, Niger, Central African Republic, Ghana, Gambia, Mozambique, Eswatini, Nigeria

Note: Article 4 Section 1 Item 2 of Overseas Compatriot Identity Certification Act is applicable.

4. 2024 Residence qualifications for issuing the Overseas Compatriot Identity Certification to persons from countries or regions where acquiring permanent residency is difficult, effective from January 1 to December 31, 2024.

Overseas Community Affairs Council Announcement

Issue date: November 29, 2023

Issue number: Qiao Zong Zheng Zi No. 1120701399

Subject: Regulations on the Residence Qualification Determination Criteria for Countries or Regions Where it is Difficult for Foreigners to Obtain Permanent Residency, 2024 Effective from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024

Basis: Paragraph 2, Article 4, Overseas Compatriot Identity Certification Act

Announcement: Countries or regions where obtaining permanent residency is difficult in 2024 are listed below; persons who have not obtained permanent residency in the following countries or regions but have obtained the following residency eligibility are subject to the regulations in Item 1, Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 1, Article 4 of the Overseas Compatriot Identity Certification Act.

Bangladesh: Obtained one-time resident certificate (or visa) valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

India: Obtained one-time resident certificate (or visa) valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Brunei: Obtained one-time resident certificate (or visa) valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Cambodia: Obtained one-time type E visa valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Indonesia: Obtained one-time ITAS/KITAS valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Japan: Obtained one-time work or family dependent resident certificate (or visa) valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years or one-time resident certificate (or visa) valid for more than three (3) years for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Republic of Korea: Obtained F2 or F4 resident certificate for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Laos: Obtained one-time resident certificate (or visa) valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Malaysia: Obtained one-time resident certificate (or visa) valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Philippines: Obtained one-time resident certificate (or visa) valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Thailand: Obtained one-time NON-IMMIGRANT VISA valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Vietnam: Obtained one-time residency valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Ukraine: Obtained one-time BUSINESS RESIDENCE PERMIT valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Malawi: Obtained one-time WORKING PERMIT valid for more than two (2) years for four (4) consecutive years or one-time BUSINESS RESIDENCE PERMIT (or visa) valid for more than five (5) years for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Uganda: Obtained one-time resident certificate (or visa) valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Hungary: Obtained one-time HUNGARIAN RESIDENCE PERMIT valid for more than two (2) years for four (4) consecutive years and able to obtain an IDENTITY CARD valid for more than five (5) years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Poland: Obtained one-time short-term residence card ZAMIESZKANIE NA CZAS OZNACZONY valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Spain: Obtained one-time resident certificate (or visa) valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Turkey: Obtained one-time resident certificate (or visa) valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Timor-Leste: Obtained one-time resident certificate (or visa) valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.

Mongolia: Obtained one-time resident certificate (or visa) valid for more than one (1) year for four (4) consecutive years, and is eligible for further extension of residency.