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FASCA-OC Experiences Hakka Culture with Food and Fun!

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On April 20th, the Cultural Center of TECO in Los Angeles (Santa Anna) hosted a special "Lecture on Taiwanese Hakka Food and Culture," inviting FASCA students from Orange County and San Diego to learn about Hakka heritage.

This exciting event wasn't just a lecture – it was a full cultural immersion! Hakka speakers led the way, explaining the fascinating connections between Hakka traditions, food, and their unique environment. The day got even tastier with live demonstrations of Hakka foods like mochi, salty glutinous rice balls, and the refreshing lei tea.

Did you know there are over 4.5 million Hakka people in Taiwan? Their culture is a vibrant thread in the rich tapestry of Taiwanese life. This event connected second-generation Taiwanese Americans with their roots and fostered a deeper appreciation for Taiwan's multicultural heritage.

Participants greatly enjoyed the event, praising both the flavorful and easy-to-prepare Hakka foods and the unique cultural insights. They even left with a travel dream: experiencing Hakka life firsthand in a traditional village on a future trip to Taiwan.
FASCA-OC students getting hands-on with Hakka mochi making.
