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2018 OCAC Training Program for Mandarin Elementary School Teachers from Malaysia

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To provide in-service training for Mandarin Elementary School teachers, the Overseas Community Affairs Council hold the “2018 OCAC Training Program for Mandarin Elementary School Teachers from Malaysia” at Hungkuang University from November 27th to December 15th . 75 teachers joined the program to expand their professional knowledge and to improve their Student Counseling skills.
One of the young teachers claimed that they are happy to attend the program and will make use of what they have learned.
Ji-Jung Lin, the deputy director of the Department of Education Affairs of OCAC (the left third in front row) took a picture with teachers from Malaysia.
Ji-Jung Lin, the deputy director of the Department of Education Affairs of OCAC encouraged the teachers from Malaysia to learn as much as they can and enjoy themselves in Taiwan.

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