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Young overseas compatriots take part enthusiastically in the Business Coach Seminar held by the Camara Comercial Juvenil de Taiwan en Argentina

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Young overseas compatriots take part enthusiastically in the Business Coach Seminar held by the Camara Comercial Juvenil de Taiwan en Argentina

The Camara Comercial Juvenil de Taiwan en Argentina (CCJTA) held the Business Coach Seminar on the afternoon of September 1. Local lecturer Vilma Silvana Piñeyr was invited to tell attendees how to use coach-type leadership to development talent potential so that teams grow sustainably. The seminar was lively. Honorary President of Camara Comercial de Taiwan en Argentina Lucia Gott and more than 30 young overseas compatriots attended.

Vilma Silvana Piñeyro has more than 10 years as a psychologist and is often invited to give business management lectures by various circles in Argentina. During the seminar, she interacted with attendees in a relaxed manner and quoted the great Albert Einstein: “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking were at when we created them” to illustrate how, when facing a problem, we  should think of why it happened rather than why it happened to me; self-reflection is often a better way of finding the crux of the problem than blaming others, and finding a solution is also easier.  

CCJTA Presidenta Monica Lin said that, with the business environment today full of uncertainty and the workplace becoming more diverse, in a fast-changing and highly-competitive environment, human resources are increasingly important to enterprises and nurturing future talent is vital, therefore, enterprises are gradually realizing the importance of moving from authoritarian, order-based leadership to coach-type leadership. 
Lecturer Vilma Silvana Piñeyro explaining coach-type leadership
Interaction during the seminar was lively, with attendees enthusiastically offering their opinions

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