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Opening Ceremony for OCAC's 2016 Taiwanese Cuisine Culinary Training Course

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OCAC's Senior Executive Officer Kuo, Shu Chen (sixth individual from the left in front row), NKUHT's President Pearl Lin (fifth individual from the left in front row) and Vice President Chiang-Tung Pan (seventh individual from the left in front row) join the trainees for a photo
The 2016 Taiwanese Cuisine Culinary Training Course was hosted by Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC), and organized by National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism (NKUHT). The opening ceremony was held on July 11 on university campus, and co-chaired by OCAC's Senior Executive Officer Kuo, Shu-Chen and NKUHT's President Pearl Lin. The course was attended by 51 trainees from 27 countries. 
On behalf of OCAC, Ms. Kuo extended a warm welcome to the trainees. She noted that the course, elaborately planned by NKUHT, featured a stellar lineup of veteran chefs to coach the trainees on preparing signature Taiwanese dishes. The trainees also visited some of the most notable restaurants for a chance to learn, and sample an amazing spread of cuisines that Taiwan is internationally famous for. Though presence and pomp may not be what defines Taiwanese cuisines, the design of the menus and food preparation process involved in Taiwanese cooking are nothing but a culinary feat. She encouraged trainees to apply what they learn upon returning to their places of residence, expand their business horizons, and promote Taiwanese cuisines to overseas Taiwanese communities and their friends.    
Besides a lineup of veteran chefs who coached the trainees on the preparation of Taiwanese cuisines and basic business operation skills, the course also included tours to the Old New Restaurant, King of Stinky Tofu, and Pin Pin Sea Food Restaurant, so that the trainees would acquire necessary onsite experience.
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