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Opening Ceremony for OCAC's 2016 Café Business Training Course

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OCAC's Department of Overseas Compatriot Business Deputy Director-General Lai (sixth sitting individual from the left), Shih Chien University President Chen (fifth sitting individual from left) joined the trainees for a photo.
The 2016 Café Business Training Course hosted by Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC) was organized by Shih Chien University. The opening ceremony was held on June 13 on university campus, and chaired by OCAC's Department of Overseas Compatriot Business Deputy Director-General Li-Ying Lai, the university's chairman, Milton Mung-Shiung Shieh, and university president, Michael J.K. Chen. The course was attended by 54 trainees from 20 countries. 
On behalf of OCAC, Deputy Director-General Lai expressed heartfelt welcome to the trainees for taking part in the course. She praised the Shih Chien University for organizing a fantastic program featuring renowned lecturers and coaches on café operation, business practices, and a great menu of light finger food and desserts. She also noted that visits to Taiwan's noted cafes were also arranged to encourage exchange and mutual learning. Ms. Lai, Mr. Hsieh, and Mr. Chen urged trainees to apply what they learn when they return to their places of residence, so that they can explore new business opportunities and open new frontiers.
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