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OCAC Minister Hsin-hsing Wu Urges Businessmen of Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Tokyo (TCCT) to Deepen Japanese Support for Taiwan

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Youth businessmen with Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Tokyo (TCCT) organized a trip to OCAC on August 14
Minister Wu presented a memento to the delegates of Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Tokyo (TCCT), and delegation chief Alin Chen accepted the gift
A delegation of youth businessmen with Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Tokyo (TCCT) were led by Mr. Alin Chen to visit OCAC on August 14. OCAC Minister Hsin-hsing Wu, when meeting with the delegates, encouraged them to catalyze cultural and business exchange between youth in Taiwan and Japan, and deepen Japanese support for Taiwan. 

Minister Wu also noted that Taiwan and Japan share a strong bond in historic, cultural and economic development. Youth businessmen born in Japan, or those who moved to Japan while young, would have a greater competitive edge in the workplace than their Japanese counterparts if they spend time to understand Taiwan and learn their mother tongue. He also urged youth businessmen to stay in close contact with Taiwan, and identify areas where Japanese-Taiwanese exchange can be strengthened, serving as volunteer ambassadors. 

"Youth are the hope of our future." Wu also stressed that OCAC has assisted with the establishment of youth Taiwanese chambers of commerce throughout all the major continents, while launching training programs on international trade, culinary skills, tea art, Taiwanese culture, information technology and leadership to sharpen the businessmen's competitiveness. 

Alin Chin said that this trip has helped his fellow businessmen experience Taiwan's economic strengths and culture, thus discovering the pivotal role they play in linking Japan-Taiwan relations. He said the delegates appreciate OCAC's endeavor in expanding their international horizons, and urge his cohorts to pay it forward back to Taiwan. 

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